Promoting Faith, Charity, Family & Peace



To Promote Faith, Charity, Family & Peace

  • Faith: To do all we can through prayer. To have the Rosary said. To support the Church in any way we can. To try to go forth and live God’s word every day. To pray for the sick.

  • Charity: To give whenever possible monetary and time to all and any charities requesting our help, especially the Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent DePaul, and The Whitman Area Toy drive. To help on fundraisers for any organization that requests or needs our help. To raise funds on our own to help others.

  • Family: To be there for each other and our families in times of trouble and sadness. To help support each other spiritually and to be there to help support the Knights of Columbus in their time of need.

  • Peace: To be advocates of Peace in these troubled times. To promote Peace throughout our lives, with our family, friends, neighbors, and the world.